Legal Holiday Shiurim 2023

Legal Holiday Shiurim 2023

Over the past year, The Chicago Center has proudly hosted five successful Legal Holiday Shiurim. Bringing the participation of hundreds of individuals throughout the year who joined us at The Chicago Center's Shul on their day off of work to attend our shiurim.

Attendees gathered to explore topics of contemporary relevance and broader life considerations.

Take a glimpse at this year’s Legal Holiday Shiurim Schedule and discover the compelling topics and distinguished speakers who led our shiurim in 2023.


New Year’s 2023 – Rabbi Nachum Sauer, Shlit”a

Title: “It’s All in the Way You Look at It: Understanding and Applications of the Halachos of Maaras Ayin.”


Memorial Day 2023 – Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried, Shlit”a

Title: “Geirus at Har Shinai & Geirus Today.”


July Fourth 2023 – Rabbi Menachem Zupnik, Shlit”a

Title: “The Collapse of Modern Morality: Liberalism and Idolatry – A Common Root.”


Labor Day 2023 – Rabbi Ari Marburger, Shlit”a

Title: “What’s Your Plan? Navigating the Halachos and Civil Law of Yerusha and Estate Planning.”


Thanksgiving 2023 – Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Shlit”a

Title: “Are We Hearing the Footsteps of Mashiach?”


We express our gratitude to our generous sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Davis, who sponsor our shiurim לעילוי נשמת שמחה אליעזר דוד דייוויס. Thank you for enabling us to continue offering thought-provoking and exciting Legal Holiday Shiurim.

We eagerly anticipate another year of legal holiday Shiurim!

To access recordings of any of our Legal Holiday Shiurim, please visit our Shiurim Library here.

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