Emergency Assistance
Chaverim provides 24/6 nonmedical emergency assistance. Whether you’re on the road or at home, a friendly member will arrive to help with stalled cars, locked doors, and more!
- Tires: We can change, and fill up your tires, and advise you where to get a new one if you need.
- Jumpstart: We'll assess your battery, give you a boost, and let you know if there's any steps you need to take if something's wrong
- Gas: There is a $20 service charge. Don't worry, we'll, bring enough to get you to the next station!
- Locked out of your house or car? We'll be there to let you in.

A Glimpse into
Chicago Chaverim
Say Yes to our community

“Your “Chaverim” rescued me from being locked out of my home (with my baby). One of the volunteers happily climbed into our second story window, to my amazement. Tizku L’Mitzvos!”
Chaverim Application Form
Say Yes to Chicago Community
Essential communal services to build a supportive & connected Jewish community.
- Put your knowledge into action
- Be there for the community
- Use your skills to help others