Answering Jewish Chicago

Essential communal services to build a supportive & connected Jewish community.


Call 773.556.HELP (4357)

Chaverim provides 24/7 nonmedical emergency assistance. Whether you’re on the road or at home, a friendly member will arrive to help with stalled cars, locked doors, and more!


The Acheinu is the official Chicago Jewish community phone book. In it, you’ll not only find residential phone numbers and addresses, but listings for local services, minyanim schedules, eruv maps, school calendars and more. 

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Share your company, service, event and more with our community email list with over 10,000 recipients! The quickest way to share your flier with the entire community!

Achdus Bulletin

The Achdus Bulletin is Chicago’s weekly email for all types of community updates. Mazel Tovs, Job postings, Shivah information, and more. All sent to your email Erev Shabbos.

Torah Services

Chicago Community

Say Yes to Chicago Community

Essential communal services to build a supportive & connected Jewish community.