Partner With Us The Chicago Center Purim Seuda Fund Sponsor a homemade Seudah to bring Simcha to someone’s Purim this year! Submit p e
Yizkor Donations Donate to The Chicago Center in memory of your loved ones Submit p e
E-Pushka Donations
Give Tzedakah Easily & Effectively Every Erev Shabbos Now you have the opportunity to emulate Nashim Tzidkaniyos of yesteryear with Gemilas Chassadim during an Eis Ratzon. A zchus for YOUR generations. Sign up below to have Tzedakah charged to your credit card every Erev Shabbos at candlelighting time. Submit e p
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Acheinu Donations
Partner With Us Acheinu Community Directory The Acheinu is the official Chicago Jewish community phone book. In it, you’ll not only find residential phone numbers and addresses, but listings for local services, minyanim schedules, eruv maps, school calendars and more. Submit p e