The Chesed Kitchen

Partner With Us The Chicago Kitchen The Chicago Kitchen provides home-cooked meals prepared with love by people who care. Whatever the needs is, we’re here to ease the load. Partner with us today. Submit p e

E-Pushka Donations

Give Tzedakah Easily & Effectively Every Erev Shabbos Now you have the opportunity to emulate Nashim Tzidkaniyos of yesteryear with Gemilas Chassadim during an Eis Ratzon. A zchus for YOUR  generations. Sign up below to have Tzedakah charged to your credit card every Erev Shabbos at candlelighting time. Submit e p


Partner with the Chicago Center A donation to The Chicago Center is an investment in our community’s long-term growth, health, and well-being​ Previous slide Next slide Continue Hear From Our Community “Thank you for the unparalleled Hachnosas Orchim. You put major thought into all amenities to ensure our comfort and helped ease a challenging time.” […]

Achdus Bulletin Advertising

Achdus Bulletin “The Achdus Bulletin is a weekly bulletin that gets emailed out to thousands of community members each Friday. It includes exciting updates from The Chicago Center, Mazel Tovs to community members, Advertisments, and so much more! Click here to view our previous bulletins FREE LISTINGSThese categories are posted free of charge, for 2 […]

Achdus Ads Email Blasts

Send an Email Blast Share your company, service, event and more with our community email list with over 10,000 recipients! The quickest way to share your flier with the entire community! Follow the three steps listed to send your email: 1. Schedule Your Email Blast See the next available dates on our calendar and choose […]