Achdus Ads Email Blasts

Please call 773-761-4005 or email with any questions.

Step #1

Schedule Your Email Blast

PLEASE NOTE: To be eligible for the 4 ads/$500 discount, all 4 blasts must be reserved at the same time (i.e. schedule them today to be sent out at different dates in the future – limit 2 months).
Flyers must be emailed to
Flyers must be submitted at least 1 full business day in advance. EBlasts scheduled for Motzei Shabbos and Sunday must be submitted by Thursday at 5pm to ensure your eBlast can be sent at its scheduled time.
Images and PDFs should be no larger than 5 MB.
NEW! Now accepting HTML pages!
Ads may include a picture or logo, but no pictures or illustrations of women or girls over the age of 3.
Please call 773-761-4005 x 113 or email with any questions.
PLEASE NOTE: Any blasts not solicited by a Chicago-based business/organization or otherwise directly related to the Chicago community will be restricted to a one-ad-per-week basis, in order to give local businesses a chance to advertise.

Thank you for your Donation

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Here goes a pretty thank you message

Donation summary (for main donate page

payment Line (paid or payment plan)

Pay for your Achdus Ad

Please make sure you have already scheduled your ad!


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